Regularly, tennis tournaments – and other one-day events – are organized for our members.
Here, we provide you with an overview of the various events organized at our club. For most of these events, participation is based on registration, either for free or for a small fee. A summary of these days is provided later on this page. Additionally, they are accessible in our app.
The family day 2024
Sunday September 8
The highlight of the year is just around the corner!
This Family day is for all kids and adults who play at The Oude Eik. You can also bring family which is not a member so this is your opportunity to play with your son/daughter or father/mother/uncle/grandmother etc.
- Sunday September 8th between 12.00-17.00 hours.
- Costs €10,- per family
- We play doubles. Father with son or Grandmother wither grandchild etc… So Families play against families!
- A child must register with an adult and vice versa.
- When the entire family joins we will try to let everyone play with different partners.
- We provide balls and the kids can have free lemonade all day.
Member championships 2024
Friday evening, August 30 from 4:00 PM to Sunday, September 1, 7:00 PM.
This is the opportunity for our members to showcase their skills, demonstrate their competitive spirit and win the title of Club Champion.
You can participate in the following categories; singles, doubles and mixed doubles and Padel. You can register for a maximum of 2 parts, the costs are €8 per person, per part.
You can now register via the online registration form and in the Oude Eik app.
The family day 2024
Het Familie Toernooi zal weer terugkeren op zondag 19 mei, eerste pinksterdag! Hoe de indeling precies gaat verlopen is afhankelijk van de inschrijvingen die wij ontvangen. Wel kunnen we met overtuiging aangeven dat niemand deze dag wil missen, kinderen praten er jaren later nog over.
Er worden onder meer tennis en padel wedstrijden gespeeld waarbij een oudere speler (opa/oma/papa/mama/oom/tante) met een jongere speler speelt. Familieleden die geen lid zijn mogen ook meedoen! We spelen ergens tussen 09.30-17.30 uur. Uiterlijk 12 mei laten wij weten op welk dagdeel jouw familie is ingedeeld, je kan niet een dagdeel kiezen.
Kosten zijn €5,- pp.